Scottish Knowledge P3/2

We have been learning lots of new facts about Scotland. We have all learned a Scottish poem and it was very difficult choosing 2 representatives for the final on Monday. Ross and Lily were our class reps.

We are really excited about our trip to the Forth Bridges visitor centre on Tuesday.

Here are our comments for our Scottish focus.

Isla,Max,Dylan,Luis,Eden-” Donald where’s your troosers?” is a Scottish song

Lily,Katie,Sophie S.-We like dancing and singing to “Donald where’s your troosers?”

Nina,Ross,Jess,Niamh- We are learning about Nessie and we are writing a newspaper article about finding her

Archie- I like learning facts about Scotland.It is fun

Zara,Rory- We like dancing and singing to “The wee rid yo-yo”. It is a Scottish song

Harris- My Home Learning Challenge was Nessie, irn bru and shortbread

Sophie M. -My Home Learning Challenge was a castle

Eva- I liked being the first craw in the song ” Three craws”

Grace- I liked making my Home Learning Challenge. It was Edinburgh castle. I also brought in the book ” Greyfriars Bobby” to read in class

Florence- I can’t wait until our trip on Tuesday to The Forth Bridge Visitor Centre

Congratulations to Dylan Pupil of the week for his enthusiasm for Reading

Have a super weekend 🙂





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