Christmas has arrived in P1a

We have had a very festive week in P1a and it has definitely been the busiest week so far…..

The Golden Club event was really fun.  Ada

We learned 2 new tricky words, by and one.  Alex

I enjoyed the Golden Club event because the magician was funny.  Emily, Holly and Ellis

I enjoy Golden Time.  Amber

I enjoyed the Christmas dinner.  Oliver

I liked the Christmas show.  Jack

I liked learning the y sound and the song. Mac

I enjoyed performing in both the Christmas shows.  Jude and Aaron

I liked the magician when he did funny stuff.  Aileigh

I enjoyed the Golden Club event.  Carley

I enjoyed the Christmas dinner.  Olivia S, Megan, James

I love school.  Shannon

I like doing the work.  Max

I enjoyed the Christmas party and winning best dancer with Megan and Holly.  Justin

Thank you to all the parents for their continued support!




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