
Primary 6 have been very busy preparing for the school show. If you haven’t already you can buy tickets at the school office for £2 each.

The children have been learning lots from taking part in the practises:

Jack – I’ve learned that if you try hard you can learn your lines and enjoy the show.
Noah – I’ve learned to change the expression of your voice. That means changing to high notes and low notes.
Katie – I’ve learned to listen to stage directions.
Aidan – I’ve learned to be patient because you need to wait until it is your turn to go on stage.
Emma – I’ve learned to act like another person. My character is a Health and Safety Officer and they have to be strict.
Jamie – From doing the show I’ve gained more confidence in standing up in front of others.
Kamron – I have a learned a new skill of puppeteering because usually I’m just a character and I’ve had to use a puppet.
Callum – I’ve learned to say my lines and when to say them.
Harry – I’ve learned that if say the wrong line you just need to keep going. This is called improvisation.
Archie – I’ve learned how to take on the character and be funny. Our show isn’t like any other p6 show.
Skye – I’ve learned to use props and know when and how to use them. Once I brought the wrong prop on and after practises I now know what I need.
Casey – I’ve learned that when you step on stage you need to change into your character so even if you are feeling tired you need to be ready to perform for your audience.

2 thoughts on “p6b”

  1. Well done P6b (and Mrs Paradies) on a fantastic performance, you had clearly put a lot of hours of practise in, which showed, it was BRILLIANT 🙂

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