P4b’s got Talent!

This week we have had our final auditions for the talent show. It was a very tight competition with talents ranging from dancers, to singing, gymnastics, comedy football, Kuk Sool Won and a puppet show. We are very much looking forward to seeing the talent across the school with Katie and Charlotte representing our class.







This week in writing we wrote stories about how Emerald came to earth. We had to think about where we were, how he arrived and how we felt when he arrived. It was a great opportunity for us to write an imaginative story. We are looking forward to making our stories really exciting and descriptive.

Charlotte – I was on my trampoline and suddenly a spaceship came spitfiring down.
Guy – Like a ball of fire, coming down to earth, Emerald arrived.
Maisey – I was at a disco. The music got louder and a spaceship came hurtling down.
Callum – I liked writing about when Emerald came to earth as I liked describing him and using my imagination.

We have been working really hard with Mrs Mackenzie on our number talks. We have a calculation to work out and then we share our strategies to complete it. We are finding this a really useful way to develop our mental maths.

In Science we made hopping creatures using plastic cups and elastic bands. The elastic bands store potential energy inside them and when they are stretched and release they allow the animal cup to jump using kinetic energy.
Here is Isaac’s ninja bunny!



Pupil of the week – Aryan for enjoying maths challenges.

Table of the week – with 540 points is……..

Article 31 – Article 29 (goals of education)
Education must develop every child’s
personality, talents and abilities to the
full. It must encourage the child’s respect
for human rights, as well as respect
for their parents, their own and other
cultures, and the environment.

2 thoughts on “P4b’s got Talent!”

  1. What an amazing week! Now I understand what Jacob was trying to describe to me on the way home on Friday – it was the hopping cups! Brilliant!

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