Pr 6A

We have been completing our Potted Sports courses for younger classes. Primary 2B had theirs on Wednesday – it went really well! The group that had responsibility for Primary 3/2 completed the task with Primary 3 instead – this was due to staff cover arrangements. This also went really well.
Yesterday, Mrs Innes forgot that the PE hall was being used as a Polling Station and sent us to collect our equipment… ‘OH NO!’ we hear you say…. Did we go for the equipment, or did we realise through our work on the Referendum that we should not go in, as the Polling Station was not part of our school yesterday?
Five out of eight pupils knew NOT to go in… well done to them, they had obviously learned a lot about the EU Referendum. However, three did go in. What happened next?…
Mrs Innes visibly paled and then quickly turned red. We had visions of being handcuffed, taken to the cells or worse! At lunch time Mrs Innes and the threesome again visited the Polling Station to apologise. Apologies accepted, we got on with the day. Yahoo!
One group completed the Potted Sports course outside yesterday afternoon. It was with primary 4/3 and went very well indeed.
Yesterday afternoon we were given the news about the House Captain Team. In our class, Scott Aitchison will be next year’s Head Boy; Louise Kirk will be House Captain of Strachan and Clara McCallum will be House Captain of Hardy – congratulations to them!
Congratulations also to Polina Derugina as Head Girl, Aaron McNicol as House Captain of McPherson and Rebecca Notman as House Captain of Bruce – Well done to all of them too!
Those of us involved in the Senior Choir Showcase are looking forward to performing this afternoon. We have worked extremely hard on our singing, dancing and acting.

One thought on “Pr 6A”

  1. What a great end to Primary 6. Thanks Mrs McVay and Mrs Innes for making the year a fantastic year.

    Happy summer.


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