We have been busy finishing off our adventure storybooks this week in Writing, and are about to move on to writing our debate arguements for the European Referendum.  After researching both sides we are about to make up our own minds, justify our opinion and debate!  Looks like it will be lively!

We had a great time at Sports Day and a huge well done to us all but especially Viggo, Iona and James who all got medals.

Next week we are moving on to P7 for a day – we can’t believe how quick p6 has gone!  it only seemed like last week we were learning about the Rainforest!


Have a great Gala Day and weekend – dont forget we are off on Monday!

One thought on “P6B”

  1. What brilliant weather you had for the sports day too. I was sad to have missed it – would have loved to see Viggo win his medals. However, it was a great surprise to come home to!

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