Welcome back from P1c

Its been great to welcome the children back and we hope you’ve all had a lovely break.

We’ve been working hard this week learning all sorts of new things.
With Mrs Laidlaw we started talking about the seasons and the sort of weather we can expect during the year.

We have been learning the days of the week in French. This is the song we used to listen to the names of the days.

We have done a bit more work learnig about subtraction and how we can work out subtraction sums. We can use our fingers, counters or number lines.

We also started thinking about being Nature Detectives. We thought about what we can see, smell, hear, taste and touch in our natural environment.

Mr Jeffries came along with a brilliant surprise for us – the MVP award for March was given to Grace.

Article 28 – the right to an education.

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