Primary 2b Blog


In literacy this week we have learning more about determining importance in our ‘Reading Detective Mission’.  We listened to a story about a beach and then had to select items that we think would be important for a visit to a beach. We worked in groups and were surprised to find that every group had a different ‘most important item’.  This made us realise that everyone might have different ideas about what is important in a book – we just need to be able to justify our answers!

We have also been redrafting some our writing for the Young Writer Competition.  We really enjoyed trying our best to check our spelling and write using our neatest handwriting.  Our stories are now with Mr Welsh and we are excited to see if anyone in our class is a winner for West Lothian!



We have been symmetry wizards this week and have amazed Mrs Mansfield by how quickly we have managed to learn about different lines of symmetry.  We have been creating symmetrical patterns, completing pictures and sorting shapes to practise our skills.

We also have been adding new actions to our counting games to make them more exciting and are getting much better at skip counting as well as counting backwards and forwards.  We even learned a new game this week called ‘Fizz’ which we really liked playing!!


Tadpole Rag

The class have all been practising their parts for Tadpole Rag and are really looking forward to sharing their songs and dances with an audience.  A letter will be going out shortly with details about getting tickets for the show on the 29th of April (we are performing at the 11.00am show).




Primary 2b


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