Last week of term

Here are our comments about our excursion to The Forth Bridges visitor centre…

Our trip this week was very interesting. The visitor centre was quite big. At the Rail bridge restaurant we could see the Rail bridge easily. Trying on the safety equipment was fun. We learned alot.

Church service comments…

We liked singing all the Easter songs in the church. We liked the Three Trees story. The junior choir sang exceptionally well.

The Golden Club event… We loved the event.

Happy Holidays everyone !

dates for your diary;

Back to school

Monday 11th April

Junior Choir Tuesday 12th April 3.25pm

Remember to bring PE kit back for Wednesday 13th April

Stay safe and have lots of fun100_3018 100_3013 100_3015 100_3016


4 thoughts on “Last week of term”

  1. I love the whole class photo! What a happy moment!! Enjoy your holidays Mrs Aitken – much deserved 🙂

  2. I really liked The Choir singing As One. I am really excited for The Easter Holidays so I can play with my friends!!!!!!!!!!

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