
This as been a busy week in P3.

Maths: In maths we have experienced multiplication and money. We looked at the 2,5 and 6 times table. We also found out how to add up and take away money to get change.

Isaac: I liked doing money because I learned that when I get older I can do money properly.

Jacob: I liked learning about money it was interesting.

Guy: We were learning about money and how much change we get back. I liked that I could see the till and get the answer.

Callum: Money because you can buy things with it and become a shop keeper.

Hope: I liked it because we learned more about money.


Lit: This week our favourite thing in literacy was that we got to go outside to do spelling.

Aryan: I liked it on Monday when we went outside when we did our spelling with chalk and magnetic letters.

Emma: I think it was nice because we got to learn new words in spelling.


LAC: As well as all that we have squeezed in some other learning too. We have practiced French phrases for the weather, painted our own pictures in the style of Quentin Blake and listened to the Easter story.

Lucy: I enjoyed writing different parts of the Easter story.

Jason: We could drew lovely pictures

Maisey: Jesus comes back to life.

All in all we have worked super hard this week and we even had time to try a construction challenge.

Emma: I liked this week it was really fun.59a2a162b10708e55bb7b1393ce3a6412db566a4_13df163dd109_b67513763db7 ae3492ea947f601b899419e49d1b8928c8a98730_14e26b52ff8f_4a213ad2ce14 d6524550bc4ab2f6b38343688d6649eff938fd79_be3f87697b41_1d909526885c IMG_0984

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