Primary 2b

We’ve  been working really hard – here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been learning…


In our number work we have started learning about sharing and dividing.  We are working really hard to get better at this and, because of our work learning multiplication facts, are picking up this process very quickly.  We are now able to make links between using practical resources to solving more complex, written and mental problems.

In practical maths we have started to investigate time and know that there are lots of different ways we can measure this.  This week we learned about ordering days of the week and months of the year where we made big calendars for in the class.  Next week we are looking at special events that happen in each month (we are most excited about sharing which month our birthdays happen in).



This week in literacy we have been recognising tricky words, blending new phonic sounds and are continuing to progress with our reading.

The Gruffalos have been working on extending stories to create new texts while the Hungry Caterpillars have been learning about the difference between facts and opinions.  The Zogs are continuing to develop their questioning skills and the Elmers have been very successful when using guided response to read new reading books.  We started to play a new game this week called the Invisible Man which helps us to spell tricky words – it might even be becoming our new favourite!

Learning across the Curriculum

We have a brand new context for learning this term and have been learning all about Dungeons and Dragons.  Mrs Mansfield and Miss Brown have taught us the names for different parts of a castle and what the different rooms were used for many years ago.  We have been very busy creating pictures, crowns and collages this week (some of us were even brave enough to design and build some tools that would help us catch a dragon!)

We have learned so much already and are so excited to see what other information we are going to find out!

Thank you for all your help with our learning!!

A note from Mrs Mansfield:

This is just to remind parents that, due to the new way books are issued within the class, reading folders and book bags no longer need to be brought to school on a Thursday or Friday.  Homework bags will be sent home on Wednesdays as normal and won’t need to be brought back in until the following Monday.  Any problems or questions please let me know.)



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