
This week we had a focus on Scots language. We explored the Oor Wullie website and completed an activity to translate the Scots words into English. We also created comic strips using Scots language using the characters from Oor Wullie. We also learned poems for homework and some of us performed them in front of the rest of the class. Ross and Mhairi will read Social Dancing and Leon will read Slaister to Mr Welsh and the head boy and girl on Monday.

Yesterday we watched a panto performed by S5 and S6 pupils from Bathgate Academy. The panto was a twist of the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’ It gave us ideas for our own Cinders panto which we will perform in three weeks’ time.

Today we participated in the Big Balbardie Blether. During this we discussed the health and wellbeing indicators and how these are met in school. We also discussed circle time and how this can link with the indicators to make us feel happy, healthy and safe.

Article 12- Right to an opinion/be listened to.
Article 28- Right to an education

Pupil of the week- Jay

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