
This week we all have been very excited as have had a new pupil join in our class. We have enjoyed getting to know Derri this week and we hope she has enjoyed her first week in P7a.

We have been learning about the Blitz and the effect this had on people’s lives. Everyone was issued with a gas mask and some people had an Anderson shelter in their garden where they could go to be protected from falling pieces of glass and rubble. Many children were evacuated from London during the Blitz and went to live in the countryside. Many children did not know who they were going to live with and often had to work on farms before and after school. We imagined we had been evacuated and sent away from our families. We wrote a letter to our parents telling them about our journey to the countryside, the family we had to live with and life at our new homes.

In maths this week we have been learning how to plot co-ordinates on a graph with four co-ordinates. We found this quite difficult at first but will keep pracitising. The pentagons, hexagons and octagons have been developing their knowledge of multiplication. The pentagons can multiply up to four digit numbers using mental strategies and a standard written method. The Hexagons and Octagons have been learning to multiply a 2 digit number. We will keep developing out mental multiplication strategies.

Article 28: Right to an Education


Class Dojo: Joe and Scott

Pupil of the Week: Ava Brown



One thought on “P7a”

  1. Hope you all had a great night at your school disco 😀
    Well done too for all your work on WW2 😀
    Our house can’t wait for the Christmas hols 😀

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