Making marshmallow snowmen in P1a

P1a have enjoyed making snowmen pictures in art today. They have been using different materials in art to make their pictures really spectacular.

Rowan liked the picture because it is wintery. Ehan liked it because it is a snowy picture105_4137




Elana thinks that the pictures look like there is real snowflakjes falling down.
Eden – I liked doing all the picture but in particular I enjoyed sticking the marshmallows on.
Akasha thinks that Tiana made a lovely snowman picture.
Isla – I liked doing the gluing and the marshmallows.
Kyle liked drawing the face.
Lily liked putting the glitter on.
Oralith enjoyed making the picture snowy with the glitter.
Ehan liked putting the snowflakes on.

Article 28 – we have the right to an education

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