Class O Reflections and Wishes

This week Calss O delivered all the food that we had colected for the local foodbank. We were very pleased with what we had colleced. Thank you to everyone for there donations!


Jamie: “I really liked having Aiden visit class O for my birthday party. We played games and had some snacks.”


Callum: “Wow we have being busy doing lots of fun things and learning about very exciting things, it’s hard to choose! I think making things with technology and baking was my favourite.”

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Cody: I enjoyed doing lots of different things at PE, especially going to the park.”

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Liam: “I liked it when mum and dad came to Class O. We had a drink and a cake. It was yummy.”

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Cameron: ” This term I enjoyed learning oabout different beliefs. I liked tasting cuury. We went to the park for Out and About which was fun.”

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Yolie: “I enjoyed going Out and About this term with Class O. We went to the park. Mr Jefferies came too.”

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Class O would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year when it comes.
We hope everyone is on Santa’s good list. 🙂


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