The Christmas season is here!

Our Christmas celebrations started with the school Christmas fayre. Our stall was selling tea light holders which we had painted and decorated with gems. We sold nearly all of them!

I enjoyed the toy stall – Dionne
I liked the tombola – Maddison
I liked meeting Santa – Alysheeya
I had a hair extension done -Jess
Santa got me a little puppy – Keira
Santa gave me a My Little Pony rainbow dash- Emma
Santa gave me a present too. It was a puppy and some sweets – Isla
I won loom bands and a stocking at the tombola – Harris

This week has been very busy. We have been practising for the nativity and had our dress rehearsal this morning. We performed in front of the buddies and some of our friends from the nurseries.
It was fun – Grace
It was just like we were in a show – Nina
We were singing and it was fun – Alysheeya
I was nervous on the stage – Jess

Dojo winner – Dionne

Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

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