Class O

We have been learning about Scotland and St Andrew this week. We enjoyed trying some Scottish foods.

Liam: “I liked the cheese and oatcakes. They were delicious. I learned that the Scottlish flag is blue and white and is called a St Andrew’s cross after St Andrew.”

Yolie: “I tried haggis and I liked it. I also tasted cheese, oatcake and shortbread. The shortbread was my favourite. I learned that St Andrew is important in Scotland’s history.”


Callum, Cody and Cameron have been busy developing their teamwork skills. They have been sharing ideas and listening to each others ideas, trying them out and then choosing the best one.

Callum: “I was using the wooden railway to try and built a super long bridge. Every time we had it nearly there it fell through the tables. We are working on a way to keep it there without it falling. It was fun but very tricky.”


Class O have been learning about money and how to add values, budget and calculate change. Next week we will be doing a Secret Santa. We used our money skills to help us shop for presents for the Secret Santa.


Cody: “I enjoyed being indepentent in shopping for some of my firends. I was able to calculate the total cost, including a 5p bag, and choose things my firends would like.”

Cameron: “We went Out and About to the precinct. I had to buy three presents, some cellotape and wrapping paper. I was able to work out how much I had to pay the shop assistant all by myself. I was also the Road Safety Offier for the trip and was able to make sure everyone was safe on the walk.”

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