Primary 4/3

Busy week…

We have written our letters to our penpals in New York. We look forward to our replies.

We are loving practising the Christmas Carols for the church service. We have worked exceptionally hard on our reindeer frames for the fayre. They cost £1 only !

Maths has been challenging this week …working on fractions and large numbers and patterns in numbers.

In Literacy we planned our letters then tried our very best to write it out neatly to send to New York. We were also developing our listening and talking skills with Miss Davidson.

French is becoming easier to order our lunch and sing a few songs. Next week we are going to look

at the weather in French-Le temps !

Ava,Robert, Oliver-We liked making the reindeer frames for the Christmas fayre

Sophie- I liked writing to my penpal Emily in New York

Mia, Sophia, Alfie G. -We are proud we are  now in the Golden Club

Erin, Sam- Our penpal is Jayden . We liked writing to him

Lauren- My penpal is Logan I liked writing a letter to him

Emma- I liked making the poster to advertise the Christmas fayre

Megan, Suvi- Our penpal is Jasmine. We liked writing to her.  We can’t wait to get a reply

Connor, Teighan- Michaele is our penpal .We liked writing to him

Jess- I was a quality audience for the P1 Nativity. It’s good

Denholm-My penpal is Zen. I liked writing to him. He looks good in his photo

Kiara, Gemma- Cosmic Yoga is fun

Jason – I can’t wait to learn more about the weather especially looking at New York’s weather

Liam- My penpal is Quinn. He wrote me a good letter first

Alfie B. -I am proud I am on step 4

Euan – My penpal is Mason. I liked writing my letter to him




Kiara- sentences

 Alfie- Words



School Fayre Tomorrow Saturday 28th November 10-12

Shared start Wednesday 2nd December 9.15am

Please remember your props for the Christmas story for Monday with Mrs Waddell







4 thoughts on “Primary 4/3”

  1. I was proud of myself for getting into the Golden Club.When I got home my mum was very proud of me and my dad will be very proud of me!

    Written by Mia

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