News from Primary 3

We have been very busy this week in Primary 3.Here are our comments :

Maisey,Katie-We have been learning about Pyramids in Egypt

Emily,Jaime-Lee, Emma-The Egyptians buried the mummies in a tomb

Dani,Ben,Rose-We’ve been learning about Tutankhamen

Jason,Summer-In PE we have been playing the Bubble game

Guy,Callum,Nathan,Hope-This week we were practising our Assembly song

Charlotte,Louie,Lucy,Hayley- We’ve been doing French with Mrs Aitken-bonjour and

ca va !

Aryan- We’ve been learning 2d and 3d shapes in maths

Jacob-Sphinx guard Pharoah’s pyramids

Isaac-I know shapes can have 5 corners

ARTICLE 28- I have the right to an education

Have a super weekend !

Mr Cunningham









3 thoughts on “News from Primary 3”

  1. Well done Primary 3 on your French this week and singing the days of the week song too.
    You shared lots of important facts from your context for learning, the Eygptians…there are so many things to find out about them !
    Enjoy your weekend!
    From Mrs Aitken

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