Visitors in P4/3

As our context for learning draws to a close we ‘d like to share our visitors with you…

Mr Welsh came in from the Bathgate Heritage group and showed us slides of old Bathgate and Caitlin Jamieson came in and told us of being Princess Marjory in this year’s Procession… She showed us her cape and two tiaras.

We liked trying on Caitlin’s cape- Jason, Alfie B., Robert, Connor, Kay

We liked looking at Caitlin’s photo album-Ava, Suvi

I liked holding the back of the cape for the others- I was pretending to be a Page boy-Liam

We liked copying the picture of Highland Mary and Robert Burns- Kiara, Emma

We liked having Mr Welsh in our class and seeing the old pictures of Bathgate- Sophia, Sophie, Erin, Lauren

I enjoyed looking at the pictures of Old Bathgate- Gemma

We liked Mr Welsh being a visitor in our classroom- Denholm, Jess, Alfie G., Euan

I liked trying on Caitlin’s tiara-Teighan

We enjoyed Caitlin coming in and sharing all about being Princess Marjory- Oliver, Megan

I liked learning about Bathgate from Mr Welsh-Sam

diary dates

Wednesday 14th October-Parents consulations 4-6.30pm Appointments are all out.

Thursday 15th October- as above

Friday 16th October- 9.30am.. Please join us for our Harvest service at the High Church

October Holidays begin today !

Article 28 I have the right to an education



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