P4b 14.9.15

P4b have enjoyed learning more about the weather this week:

Throughout the week, we have been collecting and recording information about what weather we can see and hear. We have been using a rain gauge, thermometer and anemometer to record rain fall, temperature and wind speed. We have also been discussing how the weather  can change throughout the day and how this affects us.

We liked learning about how a rain gauge works and enjoyed putting our class one outside to collect rain- Keira, Sophie, Freya, Breanna and Kelsey.

We loved art this week- we were learning to shade and sketch on drawings of still life weather objects- Lucy R, Rachael, Aidan, Robbie, Eva, and Karys.

In our maths groups we have been learning different skills:

We were learning the 5 times table-Finn.

We were dividing by 10- Lucy M, Ava, Emma, and Demi.

We have also been researching internet safety on the netbooks. We were learning what SAFE thinking means and made posters to tell others how to be safe.


Special person- Isla Bee


100_1771 100_1775 100_1779 100_1781 100_1783 100_1784 100_1790 100_1796 100_1821 100_1830 100_1838 100_1839 100_1846 100_1847 100_1851 100_1852



We have the right to access information- Article 17

One thought on “P4b 14.9.15”

  1. Love all your weather work …One of you may become a meterologist follwowng all this data collecting and observing of the weather…It is always changeable in Bathgate !
    Mrs Aitken

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