CEM testing

This week in P4g the children have been working really hard on their CEM testing. In between times, they have had a some fun with PE, art and some Health and Wellbeing as well as ensuring that they were really quiet for their classmates when they were doing their CEM tests.

Lots of the children enjoyed the CEM testing. They interviewed each other about the week.

Caitlin enjoyed the colouring in and the CEM testing – Sophie

Lucy enjoyed the CEM testing and the little bit of round the world in 80 days – Zoe

Harvey enjoyed the CEM testing – Ciaran

Lucie enjoyed the CEM testing this week – Yasmin

Eva enjoyed the spelling test – Lucie T

Kirsten enjoyed the CEM testing week because it was fun.

Ross enjoyed the maths cause it was easy and hard at the same time – Lucy

Lucie enjoyed using the netbooks – Kirsten

Ciaran enjoyed CEM testing – Harvey

Tom enjoyed drawing in his activity book – Rowan

Jennie enjoyed the reading test- Eva

Brooklyn thought the CEM testing was fun – Rhia

Rowan enjoyed the attitudes test cause it didn’t go on forever! – Jennie

Sophie enjoyed the CEM testing, especially the spelling one – Caitlin

Ciaran enjoyed the CEM testing maths – Jack

Kate enjoyed all of the CEM testing – Brooklyn

Zoe liked doing the CEM testing. She liked clickng the faces and dots – Megan

Rhia enjoyed the CEM testing cause it was fun – Kate

Noah thought the maths was fun – Ty

Holly enjoyed learning loads of stuff in CEM testing – Alann

One thought on “CEM testing”

  1. What a great skill interviewing is !
    Who would you want to interview next ?
    Did you have questions to ask each other ?

    Enjoy this short week of learning. Hope your CEM goes well

    Mrs Aitken

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