Loads of Learning in P1L!

Firstly a huge well done to Callum for winning the Park Smart competition.  We are all super proud of him.


Here are some of our comments about this week’s learning:

“We learned how to play tunnel tig with Mr Jeffries” (Callum, Charlie, Owen and Liam).

“We learned how to say names of colours in French” (Keilija).

“I can write instructions – How to make a cheese sandwich” (Rory).

“We were learning about role-play with Mrs Innes” (Zara).

“I love learning with Mr Jeffries – jogging” (Brandon).

“I learned how to tell the time” (Shelbi).

“I know how to count up to 30” (Annie).


One thought on “Loads of Learning in P1L!”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    WOW! What a busy week you have had in school. Well done, Callum on winning the PArk Smart competition.

    Keep up the good learning, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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