What stayed with you this week in P3/2 ?

We have been very busy in class this week. Here are our comments :

Oliver, David- We liked when our mum came in to Shared start. We were working on the symmetry area and Where in the world food activity.

Charlie, Alfie, Ben W. Connor, Ben M. Robert, Lauren, Aaron- We enjoyed the new game in PE ” Time bomb tig ”

Sophia- I liked my mum and dad coming to Shared start. I was on the scrambled words. I got stuck on grapefruit, sunflower and orchid !

Sophie- I enjoyed playing dodgeball at PE today with Mr Jeffries.

Ava- I enjoyed my mum coming in to class for Shared Start. I did the Symmetry activity. I did the cat face picture.

Emma, Isla- We enjoyed the symmetry work where we had to colour the butterfly in to show symmetry in nature.

Suvi, Erin- We like doing the story plan for A day as a volcanologist, taking a robot to help gather samples sounds fun.

Megan – I like learning about the food pyramid and making a healthy packed lunch.

Jason- I like the class talks. Megan’s and Lauren’s stood out.

Mia- I like being star writer for the apple story.

Demi Leigh- I liked Shared start and I was completing the scrambled words.


Congratulations to Mia, Ava and Alfie for being our Star Writers this week.

Well done Oliver for being our Special Person yesterday and Charlie for being today’s Special Person.


Article 13

You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.






7 thoughts on “What stayed with you this week in P3/2 ?”

  1. Hello p3/2

    I enjoyed visiting your class this morning.

    Sounds like you have all had a busy week so far.

    Well done Ava on being Star writer 🙂 🙂

    from Ava’s Mum 🙂

  2. I enjoyed coming into your classroom this morning, lauren and I were looking at world maps, and where foods were from, i was impressed with all the work you have all produced and displayed on the walls, well done p3/2 keep up all the good work.

    Lauren’s Mum


  4. Hi Primary 3/2,

    You have had a busy week in school learning lots of new and exciting things. I like the sound of ‘time bomb tig’ and writing about being a volcanologist. I wonder if that is a very hot job to have!! Keep up the good learning, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

  5. Hi P3/2,
    I really enjoyed spending time with you all on Wednesday morning. You are getting to learn lots of exciting things.It was great going in with Sophie. I can see why she likes school so much!
    Lorraine (Sophie ‘s mum)

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