
We have a had busy first week back! We found out our new topic is going to be all about farming and where food comes from. We discussed what we already know about farming during a carousel activity. We all worked really well as a team to write down as many ideas as possible. We know quite a lot about farm animals but we have lots more we want to find out. We also decided we want to turn our role play area into a farm with a farm shop.

In grammar we have been learning about the present and past tense. We had to sort verbs into the right tense. We found this tricky at first but we worked hard and helped each other out. We also learned that some verbs you can just add ‘ed’ on the end to put them into the past tense. We read a story about Uncle Ed to help us remember this rule.

In writing this week, we have been learning to write a personal story. We wrote about our Easter holidays. Everyone got up to lots of different fun and exciting things.


Pupil of the Week: Kai

Class Dojo: Ava


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