What’s the time Mr Wolf?

We have had a busy first week back at school with lots of new things to learn about.

In maths we have started to learn how to read a clock, we are all whizzes at this and are really enjoying it.  Miss Holwill has said we can wear our watches to school if we like.

Miss Holwill is also trying to teach us how to tie our shoe laces.  It is very tricky by Kai has got it 🙂

We have started our new learning context of Gardener’s World by looking at the Seasons and thinking about the weather.  We are all very excited about the sunny weather, in fact we have run out of suns for our weekly weather chart 🙂



One thought on “What’s the time Mr Wolf?”

  1. Hi Primary 1h,

    WOW! You have had a very busy start to the new term. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone reading the time on their watches. The new topic will be lots of fun and hopefully the sun will shine lots so that you can get outside to investigate. Well done, Kai on being able to tie your shoe laces – it really is a very tricky thing to learn.

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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