Autism Awareness Day

Today is Autism Awareness Day and all the children in Balbardie Primary School wore blue to celebrate this day. It was very funny going to the Church Service this morning wearing all blue! We have really enjoyed our last day of school before the Easter holidays and are all excited for the time off!!

We watched a video made by the ARB children and staff and really enjoyed being taken on a tour of the classrooms and learning more about what Autism is. We also really loved the task where we had to see what was the same as our classroom and what was different.

We noticed some of the things that were the same were:
-We have a visual timetable of our day too
-We also have a sticker chart
-We have our own trays
-We have a weather chart

We noticed some of the things that were different were:
-We don’t have our own individual timetables
-We don’t have a monthly calendar with all the events on it
-We don’t have very quiet classrooms!

We all really enjoyed learning more about Autism and we all feel like we know more about the children who have it. We worked with an elbow partner to think a little about what makes us unique and special like children who have Autism. Some of the things that make us unique are:
-I play with my friends and they make me feel special (Kaycee)
-I like playing my zombie games on Xbox (Lewis)
-I have lots of friends (Erin)

We are all unique and different and that’s what makes each one of us special 🙂

Have a lovely Easter break and we hope you don’t eat too many Easter eggs!
-Miss Wilson & P1w

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