Class M Blog

Lewis – We were making a mummified apple. We had to make a face like a Mummy and roll it in salt. It was good fun.


Yolie – Apple, Egypt, make a Mummy. I making eyes, a nose and mouth.


Dylan – I’ve just seen the solar eclipse in the front playground. It was cloudy but I saw it. The next time there is one is 2090. It was dark outside.


Joe – We have been doing some different learning this week. We were writing letters in the shaving foam. It was lots of fun and made a mess of the table.


Gabriel – On Thursday I did swimming learning and even kicked my legs up to the ceiling. I went on my back and my head was facing the ceiling.


David – I went under the water with my goggles on in the little pool.


Jayden – We were throwing bean bags at PE and we mummified apples with Mrs. McLean.IMG_0052

2 thoughts on “Class M Blog”

  1. The mummified apple activity was very interesting. I didn’t like how the apple smelled after a week of mummification.
    It’s great to see everyone trying so hard at swimming. Gabriel, your kicking in the pool was super.

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