Another week gone!
It’s been another fast week in P5d. We have been learning how to multiply by 20!!! We know there is a sneaky quick way to do this now…..after we spent ages trying to actually multiply whole numbers. For example if we wanted to multiply 12 by 20 we would double 12 and add a zero ….. Mrs Drummond waited patiently for the penny to drop !
This week we have been developing our punctuation and grammar skills. We were focussing on identifying words and phrases to do with settings and atmosphere. This task turned into a real brain buster as sometimes some phrases could be used to describe both the setting and the atmosphere at the same time. We have worked out that setting is more to do with physical things and that atmosphere is related to the senses. We had no idea how important our senses are in all areas of our learning and in life in general.
We have learned the dance moves to Uptown Funk and we got together with P5m to practice the moves then we practiced an American Indian tribal chant to which we added instruments and the P5m girls added some choreography. It was amazing. We really love getting together with P5m on a Friday morning. We spend 45 minutes not even realising that we are learning until Mrs D or Mrs McClafferty point it out!
Today (Friday) we have been extremely lucky to witness the eclipse. The last one was in 1999 and it will be many many years before there is another one. Mrs Drummond thought that sharing such a special event with all of us in the class was particularly special.
Two weeks to go ……….hang on in there!
I love Uptown Funk. Will need to get Viggo to teach me the moves 🙂