
5d rocks!!!!

Just when we thought we couldn’t get any better we have excelled ourselves by learning a more complicated rhythm pattern that sounds really cool and we even played along with the Meghan Traynor song All About The Bass !!!


We have been learning about the daily routines of rich and poor Victorian children. We used this as a focus for writing out a timetable for each and it was really interesting to see the difference between the two. We will be using the timetables next week in maths!                                                                                                                  We were also able to relate our work on timetables to this morning’s assembly that showed how the lives of rich and poor children were very different and we understand this in the context of social norms and values.

We will now be doing a weekly reading rave slot (an idea pinched from Mrs McKenzie) where we have the opportunity to bring our favourite reading material into school and talk about it with the class. The idea behind this is to encourage those who maybe aren’t keen readers to read more and those who are keen readers have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with the class.

Have a great weekend!


4 thoughts on “P5d”

  1. Sounds like a brilliant week 5d! I did have to YouTube the song though as I didn’t know what it was or who the girl was

  2. I thought the drumming was awesome Mrs Drummond Iove All about that bass by Meghan Trainor.
    I had lots of fun.

  3. Viggo is enjoying the reading rave idea and the drumming of course…which he does constantly…all over the house…and in the car…! 😉

  4. Hi Mrs Drummond and Primary 5D! Glad to hear you have had a good week. The drumming sounds amazing, very sorry I was not there to see it! Enjoy your Reading Raves – that sounds like a great idea. Mrs Duncan

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