Tuesday was an exciting day for Primary 5b. They were going straight away to the sports Centre to take part in a multi sports festival with Primary 5a, Primary 4a and Primary 4b.
Everyone was dressed sporty and had their packed lunch as the festival did not finish till 2.30pm.
There were 6 different activities ranging from Basketball skills to Dance.
Every group had a leader from SKY and a staff member from Balbardie.
It was a noisy hall that Primary 5b and the other classes joined at 9.30am. The excitement was definitely building.
The team names were- Blues Baboons, Red Cheetahs and Black Panthers.
they had to have a little chant aswell-that was funny !
It was a super day…
Comments ranged from ok, fine, excellent, awesome, magic, amazing, fun, tiring, good, the best and even brilliant…
The best part of the day was one of the Primary 4 teams won the biggest cup for their TEAM SPIRIT.
They were so excited to win it. Everyone gave them a loud cheer and applause.
Good luck, Brooke in your new school.We’ll miss you.
See you all Wednesday