We came back to school with wonderful weather and we have enjoyed being outside for PE and science this week.
With Mrs Mackenzie, we have been finishing our cool in school work, making cool cards so that we can recognise when someone has made the right choices about their behaviour.
In Numeracy, we learnt the ‘bus stop’ strategy for dividing bigger numbers when we have run out of fingers and toes! It is quite tricky but we are all getting the hang of it.
In Writing we wrote poems to celebrate ‘Earth Day’ which is on the 22nd April every year. We started learning about how poets and authors use similes to describe things comparing them to other objects. We wrote our own similes and then started describing a tree using similes too.
In PE we have started learning some basic cricket skills. We practised catching and throwing and bowling at a target.
In Science, we started learning about what plants need and found areas in the playground where plants are growing well and where they are struggling to grow. We took photos and will be thinking more about their conditions and why they grow the way they do.
Rowan read us the first chapter of her new book – A Hidden Cove, a witch’s tale. We are all looking forward to chapter 2!
Sarah has learnt to ride her bike without stabilisers.
Archie got a clear round in horseriding and won a rosette.
Kyle won a gold medal at Taekwando.
Elena and Teigan are looking forward to their next dance show.
Teigan was awarded a medal at ballet.
Artjom is competing in a gymnastics competition on Sunday. Good luck!
Table of the week – with 470