Here are their comments:
Eva-I am looking forward to chocolate for Breakfast on Easter Sunday
Brandon- I am looking forward to getting my puppy
Rory, Lewis, Olivia and Aaran- We are all looking forward to going on holiday to Portugal !!
Holly-I am looking forward to visiting my granny and granda in England
Brooke- I am looking forward to playing with my friends
Shaun- I am looking forward to Easter
Ellie Rose- I am looking forward to going to my caravan in St Andrews
Max- I am looking forward to staying in Elie( near Anstruther)’s alot of fun
Aaron- I am looking forward to eating chocolate
Dylan- I am looking forward to my birthday on 20th April
Kyle- I am looking forward to visiting the zoo
Owen – I am looking forward to Kyle visiting me
Bryce- I am looking forward to being off school
Jamie- I am looking forward to going to this inflatable place in Livingston
Ellie- I am looking forward to visiting my dad
Alistair- I am looking forward to long lies in bed
Alfie L.- I am looking forward to going to my dad’s
Annie- I am looking forward to Easter
Florence- I am going to Dumfries and Galloway-that will be fun
Liam-I am looking forward to long lies..Mrs Aitken agreed !
Jackie-I am looking forward to my holiday in Turkey
Jay- I am looking forward to seeing my mum
Orla-I am looking forward to going to Harry Potter world with my mum
Happy Easter everyone
See you in two weeks
Well done to all our Balbardie Champions this term who received their certificate today
Well done also to the Easter egg design winners-Brandon, Alfie B., Brooke, Florence and Ruby
And finally the winning table for this week were- Lewis, Rory, Shaun, Holly, Ellie Rose and Max