Here are our highlights:

James and Megan: I enjoyed the assembly.

Ellie: I enjoyed learning about the Egyptians.

Alex: I enjoyed learning about the Egyptians because we were thinking about things that are ancient and things that are modern.

Carley: I enjoyed the assembly because we were thinking about how to be safe online and if there is a question you should always ask an adult.

Ellis: I enjoyed Art because we got to make Valentine’s Day cards.

Mia: I enjoyed practising for our assembly.

River: I enjoyed learning about the Ancient Egyptians.

Max: I enjoyed Art because we made Valentine’s Day cards and since Holly isn’t here, I put it in her tray for a surprise.

Aaron: I enjoyed the assembly because we were learning about being safe online.

Jack: I enjoyed practising our lines for the assembly because I think both mine and Max’s parts are funny.

Amber: I enjoyed practising the songs for our assembly because the song, ‘Amazing Egyptians’ is fun.

Scott B: I enjoyed Art.

Millie: I enjoyed Art because we got to make Valentine’s Day cards, I made one for my sister and she really liked it.

Olivia: I enjoyed practising our lines for the assembly because it was fun.

TJ: I enjoyed listening to ‘Let My People Go’ on YouTube at home.

Jude: I enjoyed assembly because we were learning about being safe on the internet.

Shannon: I enjoyed the assembly because it was about being safe online.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!


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