This week we have been learning about writing newspaper reports. We wrote about the Viking attack at Lindisfarne. The Vikings stole lots of treasure, killed and captured the monks as slaves and burnt down the monastery.
In numeracy, we were learning about multiplication and different strategies, with a carousel of activities. We had to roll dice to multiply numbers. We also learnt to make arrays to help us with our multiplication.
In health and wellbeing we have been learning about cool in school. We have learnt about aggressive, weak and cool responses and we made posters to illustrate these. We hope that these will help us to solve problems in the playground and in school generally.
On Tuesday, Mr Glen from NYCoS came in to teach us some rhymes and games all to do with music. We played hot potato and an apple picker game. We were learning about the beat and rhythm of the music. It was good fun!
In French we were learning about classroom objects and colours. We had to listen to instructions and colour things in the correct colours.
We also had our class performances of our Scottish poems which will be performed at our Burns’ poetry competition. Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs Collings and Miss Graham have been very impressed by the performances and it has been a tricky job choosing our class representatives.
In Maths, we played a game using our knowledge of compass points.
Table of the week – 820
Learning partners of the week – Teigan and Grace