This week P2b have been reviewing the sound ‘oy’, practicing number bonds to 10, working on sequencing stories and writing about our homes.

This week’s Big Star was Daisy; well done Daisy!

Here are P2b’s favourite bits of this week.


Oliver – Pick up a pair,. You had to add up to ten and get the numbers partner.

Kai – Learning about growth mind set

Daisy – Being big star because I got to choose a little star.

Anna – Doing Jack and the Beanstalk. I liked that story. I liked that when the Giant was going down the Beanstalk, Jack cut down the beanstalk and he’ll never see the giant again.

Ethan – Growth mind set and fixed mind set. When you’ve got a growth mind set you always try your best.

Isla – Pick up a pair. We had to find the numbers that made 10.

Jack – Growth mind set because we got to know about if you give up you’ll have a fixed mind set.

Sophie – My favourite thing was when I helped people and held the door.

Sofia – Being little star on Wednesday because we got the beanbags.

Hollie – Writing about our houses with Mrs Laidlaw.

Hannah – My favourite part was doing the Jack and the Beanstalk cut and stick, I liked that one.

Lois – Doing Jack and the Beanstalk trying to put them together.

Thomas – Playing the cards game.

Murray – Jack and the Beanstalk cutting out the story and putting it in the right order.

Ben – Jack and the Beanstalk cutting and sticking in the right order.

Mikolaj – Jack and the Beanstalk


*Next Wednesday we have European Day of Languages in which children can dress up wearing the colours of a European country’s flag!*


Miss Cowan

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