
What a week we have had in P2b! Here are some of the things we enjoyed…

Maksim- I enjoyed sports day because it was really fun!

Josh- I enjoyed the assembly because I enjoyed singing the songs!

Evie- I enjoyed winning two medals for winning the races at sports day!

Gracie- I enjoyed running the races because I got to run with Mrs Palmer!

Max- I enjoyed writing about a cheetah’s diet.

Matthias- I enjoyed maths because we got to learn about capacity and pour water into different things to see how many cup fulls it took to fill up!

Noah- I enjoyed sports day because Ty cheered me on the last race!

Kaiden- I enjoyed reading because I like the story about ‘City Cat’.

Reiss- I enjoyed maths because we filled up pans, a box and a jug to see how many cups full it took.

Marcus- I enjoyed writing our review jotters all about sports day.


Table of the week-Terrific Tigers

Dojo winners- Noah and Lily


We really enjoyed performing our assembly for everyone! Have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday!

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