This week highlights in P3c.


Jess: I liked doing maths and measuring

Grace: I enjoyed measuring the table

Sophie M: I enjoyed playing hit the button with the 5 times table

Brandon: I liked doing centimeters

Lily: I enjoyed measuring the smart board

Isla: I liked doing length

Lacey: I enjoyed measuring the table



Eden: I liked writing about my superhero

Luis: I liked writing about superheroes

Sophie A: I liked writing about my superhero

Brandon: I liked drawing the ingredients for the superheroes abilities

Jess: I enjoyed writing about my superhero

Harris: I liked writing about my superhero and his ability was to hover.


Archie: I liked uncovering the jewels from ancient Egypt

Nina: I liked digging up from the Valley of the Kings

Lily: I liked digging in the sand in the Valley of the Kings looking for treasures from Egypt.


Marbles Champions – Rainbow Table

Star Writer – Sophie Smith

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