We learned loads of new facts about New York this week. We improved our map skills looking at New York on the map and learned about keys to symbolise land features for example mountains, rivers and capital cities. We also watched a fascinating video about an aeroplane landing into the Hudson River! True fact! Did you know that the population of New York is 8 537 673!!!!!!
Here are this week’s highlights:
Cody – I enjoyed learning division with higher numbers this week and learning that multiplication and division are related.
Jayden – I enjoyed doing BIG Maths this week and getting 17/17 in thirty seconds! Integration was fun too especially meeting my new teacher.
David – I like learning about New York and finishing my dream catcher.
Yolie – Golden Time with my integration class was fun!
Adam – I had fun multiplying with double digits. It was challenging but really good.
Cameron – Ok so here we go again, I loved learning about New York! Ok, truth or dare… are all New York taxis yellow? ………………. It’s true!
Joe – Making my leaflet about New York was good fun, I liked researching using the ipad.
So see you next week
Class Star