Highlights of the week in P4b

This week’s highlights
Jamie – I liked doing the maths big start. We were learning to spell the names of shapes.
Ellie – I liked putting my partner in the recovery position in first aid with Mrs Mackenzie.
Ruby – I liked making 3d shapes.
Rory – I really enjoyed making my snowman 3d shape.
Kyle – I really enjoyed making my 4 3d snowmen!
Alfie B – I enjoyed spelling, doing my wordsearch.
Olivia – I really enjoyed making the 3d shapes.
Annie – I enjoyed the writing about us leaving planet x to go back to earth.
Alistair – I liked Maths this week, doing subtraction.
Charlotte – I enjoyed making the 3d snowmen.
Eva – I enjoyed doing my mild, spicy and hot for maths.
Dylan – I enjoyed subtraction work with Mrs Mackenzie.
Jay – I liked doing the singalong.
Orla – I enjoyed everything!
Owen – I enjoyed the 3d shape making
Liam – I enjoyed making my 3d shape.
Brandon – I enjoyed reading ‘Bug Battle’
Lewis – I enjoyed maths this week – all of it!
Holly – I enjoyed making the 3d shapes.
Aaron – I enjoyed the calendar this week.
Alfie L – I enjoyed the singalong.
Shaun – My favourite this week was making the 3d snowmen
Florence – I enjoyed writing the story about going back to planet earth.
Brooke – I enjoyed making the Christmas decorations.
Mrs Collings highlight of the week – discussing Christmas celebrations with P4b and us coming to a decision that the most important thing about Christmas was spending time with our families
‘The greatest gift at Christmas is your family’ – Florence (aged 8)

Bronze Champions
These children were awarded their bronze champion certificates and enjoyed their bronze treat in November.

These children have achieved their bronze champion award since the 17th November. They will enjoy their bronze treat in the new term.
Charlotte, Olivia, Liam, Noami, Max, Alfie B, Aaron, Brandon, Alistair, Jamie, Ellie-Rose, Annie, Orla and Eva.

Table of the week – red with 500 points

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