P5b is feeling festive….

It’s been snowing outside and we’ve been getting ready for the Christmas Fayre..


We have also been doing a lot of learning.

We have been learning about coordinates.   Isaac

We learned how to subtract using a chimney sum.  Hope

We made a treasure map using a grid and coordinates.   Callum

We learned to go along the corridor and up the stairs.  Rose

We have been learning how to create posters.  Hayley

We have been learning about the Coral Reef and created under the sea scenes.  Aryan

We learned about Kenny Logan and how he was scared because he couldn’t read and write.  Jason

We learned how to keep the sea clean.  Maisey

We made Christmas baubles and calendars for the Christmas Fayre.  Ela

We learned about the different types of bullying. Jaime-Lee

We plotted a Christmas tree using coordinates.  Ben

We attending the Bronze Champion event and we got to touch animals.  Elliot

We have learned about the x and y axis on a coordinates grid.  Katie

We learned about the Coral Reef.  Charlotte

We learned about cyber bullying and physical bullying.  Nathan

We made coral reef posters.  Guy

We have been learning en and on words in spelling.  Skye

We learned about the dangers of the coral reef.  Louie

We have been learning about cheating and white lies.  Luke

We how and why we conserve coral reefs.  Jacob

We learned how to find points using coordinates.  Rayen

We have been learning about the Caribbean Islands.  Emily

We learning about alliteration.  Owen


Here are some photos from our science last week….we are being atoms and demonstrating how atoms are organised in solids, liquids and gases.


In liquids the atoms move around!
In solids the atoms are tightly packed together!
In gases the atoms move around freely to every space available!

Here were are with some of our completed crazy coo calendars and delightful decorations to sell at the Christmas Fayre tomorrow.

Boys getting scientific and creating electrical circuits!


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