Last week we made fossils. We found out how fossils are formed and then we made our own. We pressed clay into a small pot, smoothed it down and then pushed a plastic toy or shell into the clay to may an impression. Then we made some plaster of Paris and tipped it onto the clay. This week we drew our fossils and thought some more about how palaeontologists can use fossils to find out about things which lived many years ago. We also made some dinosaur fossils this week.
With Mrs Mackenzie, we have been learning about ‘friendly ten’ where we add to the nearest ten and then add up to 100. It’s making our mental addition much easier!
Kyle won the Christmas Fayre drawing competition and has made his design for our games stall. We hope you will all be able to come and support us on Saturday.
As it is getting colder, please can we ask that the children have appropriate outdoor gym kit for Wednesdays. Tracksuit bottoms or leggings, jumpers and trainers are required to ensure that they can play outside safely.
Table of the week – yellow with 400 points