Another great week!
In our VCOP lesson this week we have been learning about different types of sentences. We learned about questions and statements and the difference between them. We have been discussing why we use VCOP and we all understand that it gives us the skills necessary to do our writing.
Tamsyn- V stands for vocabulary
Luke- C stands for connectives
Brooke- O is for openers
Cameron- P is for punctuation
This week we continue to develop our mental agility. We have been learning about the link between addition and subtraction. Here is an example 5+4=9 and this is the same as 9-4=5. We can add this to the strategies that we have for doing calculations.
We have been having lots of fun using money. We used coins – 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p 50p and £1. We had to make a given amount using a certain amount of coins. It was quite tricky at first but was good fun when we got the hang of it! Here are some pictures…
This week with Mrs McKenzie we were learning about medicines. We learned about storing medicines safely at home, how they can help us and how they can be dangerous.
In P.E. this week we were learning about the different ways we can ‘travel’ when doing different sports. It’s important that we learn to travel safely especially when playing fast games that involve running or playing with a ball.
Have a great weekend!