This week in P3c.

Maths/Numeracy: This week we have been learning to count on to add and part and whole.

Jess: I liked part and whole because we used number lines

Harris: I liked maths tig

Isla: I enjoyed doing addition

Archie: I enjoyed doing counting on

Liam: I liked doing maths

Lily: I liked counting on with the poker chips

Grace: I enjoyed drawing the number lines on our whiteboards

Sophie M: I enjoyed maths tig as well

Sophie S: I enjoyed maths tig again.


English/Literacy: We have learned about verbs and written instructions.

Eden: I liked writing instructions

Isla: I learned about verbs

Grace: I enjoyed getting revenge on Mr and Mrs Twit

Sophie M: I enjoyed our instructions for Mr and Mrs Twit

Lily: Writing instructions was good



Sophie S, Emily, Isla, Marley, Brandon, Grace, Nina, Max and Kayden: enjoyed painting Mr Twit for the school library

Lily: I liked sticking the jaggy bits of paper on Mr Twits beard

Sophie M: I enjoyed cutting parts for Mr Twit


You have all worked really hard this week and written great instructions to get back at those ghastly Twits!

Star Writer – Sophie Smith

Mr C.

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