What a fantastic week of learning in P2b!

In maths we have learned how to count in 10’s and how to work out if a number is larger or smaller.  We have learned how to add 10 more and 10 less to any number within 100.

For inspirational maths week we worked in pairs and sorted emoji’s into categories- this was really fun because we love emoji’s.  Have a look at some of our pictures!



We have been working on using our recognition of sounds to help read words.

As part of our topic Castles we have learned about describing words and used this in our writing this week which was all about Jesters.


We learned about Jesters and what their role is in a castle.  We found out that they entertain the King and all the castle guests.  We imagined we were all Jesters by making our very own Jester hats.

Other news

Table of week- Clever Crocodiles

Star of the week- Kaiden

Dojo winner- Gracie

Secret walker- Taylor

Star writers- Hamish, Rose, Marcus, and Gracie.




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