This week we have been learning about the rainforest and it was so much fun We learned about animals, trees and plant life.
Adam – I liked learning about the trees and the plant life I also liked burying the time capsule :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Cody – I have been learning about rainforest animals. My favorite was the spiders.
Yolie – I enjoyed going to assembly. I enjoyed measuring out trees using a trundle wheel in the drama hall.
David – I liked playing outside at break time. I enjoyed assembly yesterday. I also enjoyed painting my leaf for our display.
Jayden – We have buried a time capsule but we are not going to tell you where we put it because its a secret. We have been learning about the rainforest about the layers with Mrs McLean and I’m going to miss her but at least she is gonna visit
Cameron – this week we buried a time capsule yey!!! but its time for a true or false – where did we put it no wait its a secret that I am not going to tell you.