Busy Week In Class Moon!

That is week 2 now finished and Class Moon has been working very hard.


In maths we have been learning about numbers and have been doing addition and subtraction. We were all very good at the peg addition activity.  We have also been having fun playing addition and subtraction games on Education city.


In Literacy we are started a story writing activity.  It is all about dragons! We all made our own dragon and they look fantastic.  Miss Garland is very excited to learn more about our dragons.


We have started our LAC activities and our focus is friendship and emotions.  Our emotion we have focussed on this week is happy and we have been looking at things which make us happy.  We have also been caring, playing and sharing with friends.


We are continuing to enjoy art with Mrs Thomson and PE with Mr Jeffries.  We have all been using our new behaviour system and we love collecting points.

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