What a quick week!

We have had a lovely week in Class Star.  We went back to our integration classes and started School Champions.


David – I enjoyed playing with the Primary 7’s at lunch time.  I liked playing dodge ball.

Yolie – I sat with the Primary 7’s at Assembly we learnt about the new Forth Road Bridge, it was fun.  I played a fun game at lunchtime with the Primary 6 and 7 boys and girls.

Cody – Going back to Windyknowe is the definition of fun, I think I might see Charlotte’s web with my Windyknowe P7 Class.

Cameron – going back to integration has been amazing.  So you’re all thinking have I been to two P.E slots true or false the answer is ………. It’s true :O I thought you were going to say false.

Jayden – I enjoyed doing aerodynamics in my integration class.  I have got 9 dojo points this week I feel happy.

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