Our highlights of the year by P4b!

This year has been a really busy one in P4b and we would like to share some of our highlights with you.
Katie – I’ve enjoyed STEM this year.
Jay – I was really happy to win P4bs got talent.
Hayley – I enjoyed Maths doing times tables.
Jack – I liked getting into the Golden Club.
Louie – I enjoyed learning about Mary, Queen of Scots.
Emma – I enjoyed doing Celebrating Success. I was very pleased to get an award.
Jacob – I liked doing energy because we got to make circuits.
Callum – I think P4b was my best year so far in school because it was really fun.
Rose – I liked STEM this year because we made spaghetti towers and got to eat the sweets afterwards.
Isaac – I was pleased to come 3rd
Aryan – I liked doing the quick fire competitions in Maths with Mrs Mackenzie.
Emily – I really enjoyed the golden club event.
Ela – I enjoyed starting school in Scotland.
Jason – I enjoyed doing chimney sums and bus stop sums.
Rayen – I liked Golden Time because it’s the first time I’ve done it.
Guy – I enjoyed doing spelling so I can get better at it.
Lucy – I liked getting MVP.
Jaime-Lee – I made a challenge in P3 to use capital letters and full stops and I think I’ve improved.
Maisey – I enjoyed making the Viking shields.
Skye – I enjoyed everything. I especially enjoyed Maths doing times tables.
Nathan – I enjoyed the assembly because I was a blacksmith.
Luke – I liked doing the swimming assessment.
Elliot – Getting my first certificate at Celebrating Success.
Charlotte – I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.
Ben – I really enjoyed making 2d shape people and animals.
Table of the week – green
Pupil of the week – Emma for carrying out excellent personal research as part of her diorama project and using this to contribute effectively to classroom activities.
Mrs Mackenzie and I would like to thank you all for your support over the year. We would also like to wish you a very happy summer holidays!

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