Moving on…..

It was a short week after the Monday holiday but filled to the brim as ever!

On Wednesday the children all visited their new classes.
Emily – it was really enjoyable to visit our new class
Emma – Mrs McClafferty and Mrs Laidlaw are really joyful.
Elliot – I liked the size of the class and it’s my kind of layout.
Maisey – On the procession day, I got to do my staff spins and I got to be the first person in the line at Kuk Sool Won.
Emma – I really enjoyed seeing my auntie and my cousins on the procession day.
Elliot – I enjoyed watching my sister on the float as a flower girl.
Luke – My sister was a rainbow girl on the float.
Rose – On the procession day, Katie and I both walked as Belle.
Ela – I walked as Belle in the yellow dress.
Nathan – At the procession day, my gran and I were squirted with water by Windyknowe!
Charlotte – My family came up for the gala day and I got soaked with water!
During STEM the children completed the spaghetti tower challenge. They had 6 marshmallows, 30 spaghetti strands and a jelly baby. The challenge was to make the tallest tower which could support the jelly baby.
These are our efforts.

Table of the week – with 70 points

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